Preloved School Uniform

Benefits of donating and purchasing preloved uniform

  • Help the environment by prolonging it going to landfill
  • Help other school pupils keep the cost down
  • Help the PTA raise funds for the school


So what are you waiting for, can you help and donate any uniform that is outgrown and no longer needed? We are happy to accept the following new or good condition items:

  • Jumpers
  • Cardigans
  • Dresses (including Summer Style)
  • Trousers
  • Shorts
  • Polo Shirts
  • Book Bags
  • Any PE Kit

No tights, socks, underwear or any footwear except plimsolls, many thanks for your understanding.

Please kindly leave donations with your child’s teacher or preferably drop it in at reception who will inform the PTA Uniform Team of your generous donation.

Looking for some Preloved Items

If you would like to buy some preloved uniform then please check our stocklist below before filling in the following form to provide details of the items you would like to order.  Full details of how you can receive your items and pay are included in the form.  The Preloved Uniform Team will check your request and respond (from usually within 3 days to confirm availability and arrange for you to collect/receive the items home with your child.

Note: the PTA operate on a ‘first come, first served’ basis and endeavour to maintain the accuracy of the stocklist, but at times there may be a slight delay and therefore on some occasions we may not be able to fulfil your request.
Item quality and brands will vary, but our prices reflect this, ranging from 20p to a maximum of £2!

Look out for the next Preloved Uniform Sale

Contact details:


Message via the Corsham Primary PTA Facebook Page

The PTA operate on a ‘first come, first served’ basis and endeavour to maintain the accuracy of the stocklist, but at times there may be a slight delay and therefore on some occasions we may not be able to fulfil your request.

(please above for details and to place an order)